Pet Boarding: Everything You Need to Know :

Hello pet owners! Whether you’re going on vacation or just need someone to take care of your furry friend for a day, pet boarding can be a great option. However, with so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you navigate the world of pet boarding.

What is Pet Boarding?

Pet boarding is a service where your pet stays at a facility specifically designed for animals while you are away. These facilities can range from basic kennels to luxury resorts with all the bells and whistles. Pet boarding is a great way to ensure that your pet is well taken care of while you’re gone, and can be a good option if you don’t have anyone else to watch your pet.

Types of Pet Boarding Facilities

There are several types of pet boarding facilities to choose from. Here are some of the most common:

Type of Facility Description
Kennel A basic facility where your pet stays in a cage or run. Some kennels offer additional services like playtime or walks.
Pet Hotel A more luxurious option with amenities like private suites, play areas, and grooming services.
In-Home Boarding A service where your pet stays in someone’s home. This can be a good option if your pet doesn’t do well in a kennel environment.

Each type of facility has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to do your research and find the best option for you and your pet.

What to Look for in a Pet Boarding Facility

When choosing a pet boarding facility, there are several things to consider. Here are some of the most important:

  • Staff qualifications and experience
  • Cleanliness of the facility
  • Size and comfort of the cages or runs
  • Quality of food and water provided
  • Availability of exercise and playtime
  • Medical care options in case of emergency

It’s also a good idea to visit the facility in person before making a decision. This will give you a chance to see the facility and meet the staff.

Preparing Your Pet for Boarding

Before you drop your pet off at a boarding facility, there are several things you can do to make the experience as stress-free as possible. Here are some tips:

Get Your Pet Up-to-Date on Vaccinations

Most pet boarding facilities require that your pet be up-to-date on vaccinations, so make sure your pet has all the necessary shots before you go. This will also help protect your pet from getting sick while they’re at the facility.

Pack Familiar Items

Bringing familiar items from home, like a favorite toy or blanket, can help your pet feel more comfortable in their new surroundings.

Provide Detailed Instructions

Make sure to provide detailed instructions for the staff at the boarding facility. This should include information about your pet’s diet, any medications they need to take, and any special instructions or requests.


How much does pet boarding cost?

The cost of pet boarding can vary widely depending on the type of facility you choose and the services you need. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $25 to $75 per day.

What should I do if my pet gets sick while boarding?

If your pet gets sick while boarding, the facility should have a plan in place for medical care. Make sure to provide detailed instructions about your pet’s medical history and any medications they’re taking before you go.

Can I bring my pet’s own food?

Most pet boarding facilities allow you to bring your pet’s own food. This can be a good option if your pet has a sensitive stomach or special dietary needs.

What should I do if my pet has separation anxiety?

If your pet has separation anxiety, it’s important to choose a facility that can provide extra attention and care. You may also want to consider in-home boarding as an option.

How can I find a good pet boarding facility?

There are several ways to find a good pet boarding facility. You can ask for recommendations from friends or family members, search online for reviews, or visit the facility in person before making a decision.


Pet boarding can be a great option for pet owners who need to be away from their furry friends for a period of time. By choosing the right facility and preparing your pet ahead of time, you can ensure that your pet is well taken care of while you’re gone. We hope this guide has been helpful in navigating the world of pet boarding!

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